Climate Disclosure For Business (Taster Sessions)
Tougher regulations are coming down the track. Conquer Climate Disclosure with our short online training course.
Many businesses in the world must now prepare Climate Disclosures for Regulators and Customers. Across organisations, people need to learn the new terms, new rules, and new reporting obligations. This course is designed to help you and your team build your skills and provide proof to stakeholders of your corporate knowledge.
Use this free taster, to take the first few modules. To finish the course and get your Completion Certificate, please reach out to us to register for the full course.
This course provides quantitative proof of training, for disclosures required by the EU CSRD and the ISSB.
Delivered as On-Demand training. Fit it into your schedule. Available at any time and any location with internet access.
Reach out to us at [email protected] to access the full course.*
Climate Disclosure - A Business Requirement all employees should be aware of
This Course Will Help Companies Meet Regulated Compliance Needs
Optional Readings - Important Changes
Who is this Course for?
What to Expect in this Course
Who is ERCE?
About the Instructors
Student Survey #1
The "Alphabet Soup" of Sustainability
Abbreviations Cheat Sheet
Jargon Buster
More Acronyms At a Glance
Optional Readings - Climate Organisations
1.1 Climate Dislosure Roadmap
1.2 Origin of the Phrase "Climate Disclosure"
1.2.1 Optional Reading - CDSB
1.3 What does Climate Disclosure Mean for Companies?
1.4 Why is Climate Disclosure Needed?
1.5 Who are the Stakeholders asking for Climate Disclosure
1.6 Required Readings
1.7 Optional Reading - Climate Lawsuits
Module 1 - Open Book Quiz
Student Survey #2
2.1 GHG Emissions and Corporations
2.2 GHG Inventory - A communication tool
2.3 What comprises a GHG Inventory?
2.3.1 GHG Inventory - Visual Summary
2.4 Emission Types, GWPs, and Boundaries
2.4.1 Optional Reading - More about different Greenhouse Gases
2.5 Categorising GHG Emissions
2.5.1 Optional Reading - Classifying Emissions
2.6 Example #1: Classifying Sources of Emissions
2.7 Example #2: Company 'X' and emissions estimates
2.8 Choosing an Emissions Standard
2.9 Optional Reading - Example of Reports, Inventories and Strategy Documents
2.10 Optional Reading - GHG Protocol and ISO 14064 and Emissions Tools
Module 2 - Open Book Quiz
Student Survey #3
3.1 Backgound for Businesses
3.2 Mark Carney - Investing in Net Zero
3.3 Different Rules around the world
3.4 Are you a Listed or Private Company?
3.5 Moving from Voluntary to Regulated Disclosure
3.6 Required Reading - Reporting Rule Initiatives
3.7 Demystifying Climate Disclosure
3.8 Required Reading - Double Materiality
3.9 Optional Reading - Climate Disclosure Rules
Module 3 - Open Book Quiz
Student Survey #4
*Please note that our full course is only offered in select countries. Please contact us for further details.